Sensory Overload


Brewed with the finest Munich malts, a decoction mash amplifies the complex and bready flavours of this amber lager. Proceeds from this brew will be donated to Autism Ontario.

Autism Ontario is a charitable organization with a history of over 50 years representing the thousands of people on the autism spectrum and their families across Ontario. Made up of knowledgeable parents, professionals, and autistic self-advocates who can speak to the key issues that impact autistic individuals and their families, Autism Ontario is the province’s leading source of information and referral on autism, and one of the largest collective voices representing the autism community.

ABV: 5.8%| IBU: 25
HOPS: Hallertau Mittelfruh.
SOUR SCALE (0-7): 0


By purchasing our beer you confirm that you are of legal drinking age in Ontario, Canada (19). Our beer shipping service is available to residents of Ontario only.

This organization was chosen by our Marketing Manager, Sara Divinski in honour of her daughter Parker who was diagnosed with Autism in 2021:

My daughter Parker was diagnosed with Autism in 2021 at 1.5 years old. Luckily for me, I had a nephew just a couple months older than her that I could compare all of her milestones to which triggered a lot of concerns. After googling a number of things, it was clear to me that she was showing signs of Autism.

For any parents thinking they might be on the same path, here’s what signs we brought to her doctors’ attention:

  • 0 eye contact
  • No response to her name, nickname or loud noises
  • Eloping (running away)
  • Jumping, running, climbing and needing to move constantly
  • Squeezing in tight spaces
  • Tracking things with her eyes
  • Easily overstimulated
  • Can’t handle transitions

Now, Autism is a very wide spectrum. If you’ve met one person with autism, you’ve met one person with autism. If you are having concerns about your child, yourself or someone close to you, you can always reach out to Autism Ontario to learn how to get a diagnosis.

While parents are on 7+ year long waitlists for some assistance, Autism Ontario offers help with different programs, references, outings and more that everyone should be taking advantage of! Personally, we took my daughter to the movies for the first time with AO, and the relief of being surrounded by other Autistic kiddos and adults with 0 judgement made this teaching moment a million times less stressful on her and us.

If you’re looking to support a good cause, consider grabbing our Märzen to help fund some of the amazing services Autism Ontario has to offer families like mine.

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