Join us from 7pm to 8pm for our monthly growler club meeting, exclusively for growler club members (+ 1 guest), please RSVP to [email protected] or by calling (905) 468-9888. Off-Flavour Sensory Tasting Seminar is $8 per person to attend.
As the craft beer industry booms, people are reaching out to learn more about the beverage they love. Today we are going to learn how to hone your flavor recognition skills with this sensory experience by inoculating our delicious ExB beer with undesirable flavour profiles. We will be tasting and discussing the most common undesirable off-flavours you will find most often in beer and how to detect if it’s a bad beer or just off due to contamination. Make sure to take notes during this seminar because we will be testing you next month!
Learn about our Growler Club here.