Our Values

At The Exchange Brewery, our mission is to offer a safe space for everyone to responsibly enjoy fresh locally made craft beer.

Our space is for everyone. Whether in our tasting room, in our work space or on our digital platforms, we do not tolerate any form of discrimination based on Age, Creed (religion), Sex (including pregnancy and breastfeeding), Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity, Gender Expression, Family status, Marital status, Disability, Race, Ancestry, Place of Origin, Ethnic Origin, Citizenship, Colour, Association, or relationship with a person identified by one of the above grounds, or the perception that one of the above grounds applies.

At The Exchange, we do not tolerate any form of abuse or harassment towards our employees, contractors, vendors or customers. Harassment comes in many forms, including but not limited to rough or vulgar humour or language related to sexuality, sexual orientation or gender; displaying or circulating pornography, sexual images, or offensive sexual jokes; leering or inappropriate staring; invading personal space; unnecessary physical contact, including inappropriate touching; demanding hugs, dates, or sexual favours; making gender-related comments about someone’s physical characteristics; verbal abuse, threatening or taunting; bullying.

If at any point during your visit in our brewery, you are made to feel unsafe, uncomfortable, in danger, or if you witness someone who may need assistance, please alert one of our team members immediately.

If you have previously felt unsafe or uncomfortable, or witnessed a past incident in the brewery, we welcome all reports as well as feedback on how to become a more inclusive and safe space. Please email our management team at to share your past experiences or provide suggestions for improvement.


The ExB Team

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